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Hello, and thank you for visiting my page. My name is Zach/Gein and I am a passionate developer who specializes in Goth and Bimbo apparel.

Evie, the love of my life and my perfect other half. Words fail to properly describe how I truly feel about you. You are the glorious sun to an otherwise dark world. You bring me up when I'm down and you support me in all things I do. You are a constant inspiration and beacon of light in my life. You push and support me to be the very best person I can be. I love you with every atom of my being.

Didi, my favorite French Canadian. Absolutely wonderful person that you should know if you don't.

Kitty, the living acid trip herself. Not only a supportive person but an absolute riot to be around.

Will, my stoner brother. I don't think I've been around him and not had a good time. Definitely the chill guy in any group and an all around good friend.

